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You can help Team Nenshi reach more Albertans with a contribution of as little as $5. Any amount you can afford would be gratefully accepted.
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You can help reach more Albertans with a contribution of as little as $5. Any amount you can afford would be gratefully accepted.
You can help Team Nenshi reach more Albertans with a contribution of as little as $5. Any amount you can afford would be gratefully accepted.
When Albertans go to the polls, they will face a major decision about the future of education in Alberta. It’s a stark choice.
Rachel Notley believes that education is the backbone of a healthy society.
Dealt a tough hand due to tumbling global oil prices, Notley fought to put schools on a stable footing. Conservative governments had promised hundreds of new schools, cancelling the projects after elections.
Since 2015, Notley led a government that funded 244 new or modernized schools, adding 125,000 modern learning spaces across Alberta. That means kids getting a good education without having to worry about moldy ceiling tiles or dangerous ventilation systems.
Notley also made good on another election promise, hiring 4,000 teachers and support staff to keep up with growing enrollment instead of cramming thousands of new students into crowded classrooms.
Since 2015, Notley led a government that funded 244 new or modernized schools, adding 125,000 modern learning spaces across Alberta.
Conservatives had vowed to freeze spending despite the fact that Alberta has the fastest growing population in the country. Once again, it appears that they’re doing the same thing.
Jason Kenney has made his priorities clear. They are not in the classroom.
At an education forum last week, the UCP’s education critic spoke very clearly, saying that there wouldn’t be any new money for schools for years. That means 15,000 kids will enter schools next year without a single new teacher hired. Then another 15,000 the next year, and the year after that.
Two days later, Kenney made the reason clear. He announced the biggest corporate tax giveaway in Alberta history.
Kenney plans on giving a $4.5 billion tax cut to the biggest corporations. In a province that already has an $11 billion dollar tax advantage over the next lowest taxed province, it’s a move that promises to erode public services, like emergency room wait times and classrooms.
The next election will be one of the clearest and most significant choices Albertans have ever made. While Jason Kenney wants to gamble on ideological tax breaks, Rachel Notley will fight for schools.
The future of Alberta classrooms will be at stake.
“We can’t gamble the future of our kids on a reckless race to the bottom,” said Notley. “We need teachers smiling as our children walk into class on the first day of school.”